About Payment Methods

e-filatelija.lt allows you to use the payment methods that you already use online to pay for goods and services on other websites - we do not require to register with us a dedicated payment account.

We accept the following payment methods:

  • PayPal
  • Bank or Wire Transfers


During checkout, select “Pay with Paypal” as payment method and you'll be re-directed to the online portal of Paypal, where you can login in order to complete the payment. All transaction details will be filled in already and you'll only need to confirm the payment. After the payment is completed successfully, you'll be re-directed back to e-filatelija.lt and you'll receive an order confirmation by email.

Bank Transfers

This payment option is available for EU customers willing to transfer their payment to our IBAN account. Please note, that by default this option is not enabled – you should contact our customer service using the contact form http://www.e-filatelija.lt/en/contact-us to check if you are eligible to use this type of payment.

Payment Methods we Don't Accept

There are certain payment methods that you can't use at e-filatelija.lt. We don't accept:

  • Cheques
  • Cash in any currency
  • Payment in Installments
  • Cash on Delivery